Paying for College

Paying for college is one of the biggest challenges in going to college. But have no fear! There are many ways to finance your higher education, even if you haven’t saved for it that much. Here are eight different ways to pay for your college.

1. Savings: Savings add up in the long run. Every little bit of money you save means you will have to borrow less to pay for college. If you were to start saving $10 a week right now until you graduate from high school, you would have around $3,000 for college. Other ways to save include savings bonds, education IRAs and college savings plans. For more information go to or

2. Income and Family Support: When you apply for college, your family may be asked to help pay for your education, but financial aid is available if your and your family’s income isn’t enough to allow you to attend the school of your choice.

3. Grants: The government gives grants to many kids who do not have the means to pay for college. Grants do not have to be repaid and are usually given to students who need them most. To be eligible for grants, you must apply by filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (or FAFSA) application with your parents or guardians. To see what type of information it requires, go to

4. Scholarships: Scholarships do not have to be repaid. They can come from colleges and universities, community organizations or businesses, and are given for good grades, sports, cultural or religious backgrounds, career interests or special talents. There are a lot of scholarships out there, just waiting for you to apply! To begin, talk to your guidance counselor. One good internet Web site is

5. Work study: Work-study programs are jobs offered through the college that can earn you money and experience while you are in college. It’s important to remember that school work is your first priority. Work-study earnings are not considered income when you apply for financial aid.

6. Loans: Low-interest student loans can be used to finance your higher education. Unlike grants and scholarships, they must be repaid. Filling out the FAFSA will help determine how much you are eligible to receive, just like it does with grants.

7. Military or Community Service: Each branch of the military has education programs to help you pay for college. Additional aid is offered by the government for serving in the military. You may also be able to earn aid by completing community service.

8. Tax Credits: Education tax credits may help you and your family reduce your taxes and increase your refund when filing a federal tax return.